Discord Passport feature Overview

What is Discord Passport For Server Special Verification? Explained

Discord Passport which is currently in Discord Beta Program, this feature will soon be coming to all Discord users. You’ll be able to set a bunch of requirements and customization on your Discord server for such verification, wherein Discord will automatically check if a user has a specific account or meet the criteria for verification and they are assigned the role.

There also are special variables for certain connections. You can adjust the values for each one, as well as enable and disable each variable as you wish.

Passports are essentially ways to identify and authenticate people so they can be granted access into and out of places, right? Well, the same sort of idea – this allows you to use other accounts on other platforms to authenticate yourself in a server to gain a role, potentially to gain access to the server or channels within it, depending on how the server sets it up.

Discord Passport Images

How does this feature work?

Previously all you could do with most service integrations was give users a role based on certain connections, and that really only applied to twitch, youtube and Patreon afaik (eg you could give your Patreon subscribers a role automatically).

Currently, such a feature is available on – YouTube, Twitch, and Patreon for special verification, but with limited functionality.

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Now you can actually set it so only people who pass certain criteria can enter your server, or you can also just give them roles based on certain criteria. And it’s also more granular like you see in the screenshot with Reddit, where you can set specific account parameters to be allowed to enter.

This is very useful for servers of online communities on places like Reddit, YouTube, etc. that want to make sure only members of their community are on the server. Previously the only way to have that kind of verification was through the usage of bots and other 3rd party services which is not ideal from a security standpoint. Now we can get rid of that middle man, at least for the services discord supports.

Discord Profile Overview

Explanation For Discord Passport in Simple way.

What this feature does is – allow server owners to set roles based on the accounts a user has linked (eg give a role to a user who has a Reddit account with x parameters / Steam account with x levels or games). This is useful if you have communities on external sites and want to create a discord server for said community.

You can set it so only people who participate in your community can join the server, for example. Users don’t even have to share the accounts with server owners. They can just hide the account from their profile and it’ll still integrate with the server just fine. Passport is a feature that will let you auto-assign roles based on a user’s connections.

Discord Passport Reddit - Discord Server Complete

For Example:

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If a server decides to require a Reddit account to get a certain role, thus giving access to a channel / the server, then yes you’d need a Reddit account for it to meet whatever criteria the server admin decides to impose. This was already possible through bots (via the OAuth system like via Mee6, Yandex), this just provides a first-party solution, so no need for the servers that want this to need to rely on another bot, which might e.g. have downtime. You also always have the option to just not use the servers that require you to have accounts you don’t want to. For Discord Setup is optional. If a server owner from a server you’re in decides to set it up on some channels you cant access that channel unless you meet the requirements.

Example Images For Discord Passport Profile

Discord Passport Server Editing RoleDiscord Passport - PayPal Checking VerifyDiscord Passport Reddit Profile Users Discord Passport Mobile Overview


What Social Profile Verification are available?

You can add connections on your profile to other services. This allows server admins to use those connections to give you roles automatically, depending on the criteria they set up.

A passport feature will soon be coming to Discord! With this, you’ll be able to set a bunch of requirements for a user to have, Like followers on Twitter or karma on Reddit- and Discord will automatically give them the role to access certain channels. Screenshots below!

Access To Discord Channel Via Special Verification

Discord Special Verification Passport

A new role access will be given to the user in the server based on the requirement and connections.


Discord Passport Twitter Checking Verified Discord Passport Twitter Verification Profile Discord Twitter Overview Passport


Discord Passport Reddit Verification Discord Passport Reddit Roles Checking

The Reddit community and servers would be happy with this new feature, to give moderation permission and avoid spam bots on the server.

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Steam & Twitch

Discord Passport - Twitch & Steam

  • There are various Gaming based servers that provides giveaways and access to special membership features via linking their account.

Discord Passport replacing Discord Connection?

Discord Connection Replaced by Discord Passport

This looks sensible, to replace the connection setting with the Passport setting to avoid confusion. As the passport tab is the revamped version of connection with more advanced features, various Discord bots might be useless or get shut down due to this new feature from Discord.

As the current purpose of the connection feature on Discord is

  • Linking of account
  • Game Status or Spotify Activity
  • YouTube / Twitch via Subscription to access Member-based private channels.
  • Showoff off all your Social Profiles in one place.

With the introduction of Discord Passport, several amazing features would be established and with the creativity of various Discord bot developers, more features could be introduced.

How does the Passport Feature help Discord Server?

  • Reducing Spam Bots / Raid Bots
  • Authenticate the user
  • Reducing scammers/fraudsters on the server
  • Special membership programs and eligibility options for a particular server
  • Special Extra Verification on server based on Social Media apart from Mobile & Email Verification

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