Discord - Bots & Server Review- HubPrix.com

Best Discord Bots For Your Discord Server Memes, Moderation, Engagement, Fun Interactive

Discord is a popular topic in 2021 amongst gamers and creators worldwide, with various discord servers being created every day. But finding the best discord bot, which covers all your necessary needs might be tougher.

Considering the number of bots available right now, choosing them might get hard. So we present you the best bot, that is helpful and can grow your server

What is Discord Server?

Discord servers are free places where people can gather to chat about games or use voice channels to talk with friends as they play. You’ll find there are all sorts of servers out there. For example, often have servers running for their games so like-minded gamers can get together and discuss the game and make new friends too.

You will also find Discord servers, communities, and groups of people with their own Discord niche community that they might invite you to.

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Discord Servers

Moderation Bot


Mee6, has always been everyone’s favorite, which is being added to over 2+ Million servers. It also offers amazing features with its premium functionality.

Premium Pricing =

  • Lifetime – $89.90 per Server
  • 1 Year – $49 Per Server
  • 6 Months – $40 Per Server
  • 1 Month – $11.95 Per Server

Website = https://mee6.xyz/


YAGPDB is another popular discord moderation and utility bot, being hosted on over 1+ Million servers worldwide. It is also another best alternative for mee6 or any other moderation bot.

See also  How to Hear Valorant Comms on Discord Stream

Premium Pricing =

  • $3 = 1 premium slot
  • $5 = 2 premium slots
  • $7.50 = 3 premium slots
  • $10 = 5 premium slots
  • Anything above $10: 1 premium slot per $2

Website = https://yagpdb.xyz/


Personalize your Discord with ZeroTwo. Custom Profile | Music | Economy | Unique Cardgame | Auto Role | Web Dashboard

Premium Pricing =

  • Music Yearly = $2.99 Per Month
  • Premium Yearly = $4.99 Per Month
  • Premium+ = $24.99 Per Month
  • User Premium = $2.99 Per Month

Website = https://zerotwo.bot/new


Welcome images, voice/text levels per guild, global levels, logs, high-quality music, moderation, and many many more!

Premium Pricing =

  • 1 Month = $9.99
  • 3 Months = $24.99
  • 1 Year = $79.99

Website = https://probot.io/

TatSumaki [ Tatsu ]

Discord-enabled games! Pets, housing, items, profiles, badges, server & global economy & more! Gamify your community with Tatsu!


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