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Why Users Disable Discord Account?

Someone might decide to disable their Discord account status for a variety of reasons after some period of time has passed. It’s possible that those reasons are personal and up to you to decide.

However, disabling your account on Discord is not a simple process, and there may be some considerations you need to make prior to actually disabling it or deleting it entirely.

Disabling your account, as opposed to deleting it, provides you with additional benefits, but it isn’t a permanent solution. After temporarily disabling your account, you will be able to reactivate it and pick up exactly where you left off.

Discord Disable Delete Account Process HubPrix

In order to give themselves a break, a lot of gamers will disable their accounts. Continue reading if you are thinking of disabling your Discord account to learn the steps that our gurus recommend taking to accomplish this task.

What Does an Inactive Discord Account Do?

In practice, an inactive Discord account does nothing but sit there and wait for the 14-day period during which it will be deleted. Your posts, reactions, mentions, and messages will all remain, but they will indicate that they are from a deleted user instead of from you.

When the fourteen days have passed, the deletion will simply turn into a permanent one.

In the event that someone does try to message you or reply to you, there is a chance that the message will be lost permanently.

If you choose to restart your account, your name will once again appear next to your posts; however, it is possible that you will not receive any messages that were sent while your account was deactivated.

If you disable your account, you will be able to view all of the information, mentions, and messages that have been sent to you during the previous fourteen days.

You will, however, need to reactivate your account in order to view them once it has been done. However, this will restart a new cycle after 14 days have passed.

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Can I Enable My Discord Account?

Within the first fourteen days after disabling or deleting your account, you have the option to reactivate your account provided that you performed either action manually. If you contacted Discord and asked them to delete your account, there is a good chance that it has been permanently deleted from the beginning, and you will not be able to access it again.

How to disable Your Account on Discord

When it comes to disabling a Discord account, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that doing so on a desktop computer is much simpler to accomplish than doing so through the app or on a tablet computer. The desktop method is not only more time sure, but it also guarantees that no mistakes will be made. On the other hand, these steps will work for any version of Discord that you have installed on a desktop or tablet, but not on a mobile device.
The following steps need to be taken if you want to temporarily disable your Discord account:

Open the Discord app or navigate to the website on the device of your choice.

  • Find the menu that says settings. Either the word “Settings” or an icon of a gear will appear when you click on it.
  • To access “My Account,” first find the “User Settings” option item from the tap-down menu.
  • When you navigate to the “Account” section of the website, you should see a number of different options. It will tell you to “Disable Account,” and then it will walk you through a support Wizard that provides information about how to disable your account. It is possible that you will need to confirm it multiple times before it will let you disable your account.

How to disable Using Your Discord Account on Your Mobile Device

At this time, the only way to disable a Discord account on a mobile device is to contact support and ask them for help in doing so. You will need to submit a support ticket, and then someone will get in touch with you about this.

On occasion, this may take a few days, or you may be prompted to perform the action on a desktop computer by yourself. If you persist in contacting support, however, they should be able to disable your account on their own.

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How to Completely and Permanently Deactivate Your Discord Account

You are able to completely delete your Discord account and make it inactive for all time if that is something you desire. It does not take a significant amount of work, and you can do it in a way that is analogous to disabling off your account. Having said that, there are a few things that you ought to think some consideration to.

How to Delete Your Account From Discord?

Launch the Discord app or navigate to the website on your device, and once you’re there, open the Settings option.

  • You ought to be able to find an option labeled “User Settings” underneath that menu.
  • Find the link that says “My Account” and click it.
  • When you navigate to the “Account” section of the website, you should see a number of different options. It will have the words “Delete Account” on it. Simply click that menu option.
  • It is possible that you will be asked to enter your password multiple times as well as verify that you intend to delete your account.
  • You will also be required to enter any two-factor authentication codes that you set up when you initially created your account.

Once you work through the wizard, you should get an email confirming that you deleted your account. After your account has been deleted, you will have a window of fourteen days to reactivate it before it is deleted from the system permanently.

Few Things You Should Be Aware Of Before Deleting or Disabling

There is a possibility that you are the owner of a server, which would explain why you are unable to disable or delete your account. When something like this takes place, Discord does not want the server to simply vanish. Instead, you ought to transfer the ownership to a person in whom you have complete faith, or else you can delete the server on your own.

How To Transfer Discord Server Ownership

You will first need to navigate your way through the Server settings in order to transfer ownership of your Discord server to another person. From that point on:

  • Navigate to the menu on the left side of the screen, and then select “User Management.”
  • You should navigate your mouse pointer to the section that is labelled “Members,” and then click on that.
  • When you get there, make a decision about who will succeed you as the owner of your server. Before transferring ownership, it is best if you have already discussed the matter with this individual. Find their username, then click the three white dots that appear in a vertical line next to it.
    Once you are there, click the “Transfer Ownership” option.
  • Your perspective should shift slightly as a result of this process, which may take a few seconds. You still have access to your account, but because you are no longer the owner of the server, it will appear to you as if it is restricted to members only.
  • Your access will be restricted to only those permissions available to members. This action cannot be reversed under any circumstances.
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How to Permanently delete a Discord Server

You have the option of deleting your server altogether if it does not have any active users or if you do not wish to hand over control of it to another user. Even though there is no hard and fast rule about it, it is considered good practise to let the other members on the server know at least 24 hours in advance.

To delete a server from Discord, please follow these steps:

  • Go to the Server Settings like we did in the above step.
  • To delete the server, select “Delete Server” from the menu on the left.
    As soon as you click that button, a series of pop-up windows will appear asking you to confirm that you really do want to delete the server.
  • You will be required to enter the password for your account, and if your account is protected by two-factor authentication, you will additionally be required to provide the code.
  • It is essential that you keep in mind that after erasing a server, you will have a window of fourteen days to reinstall it and restore all of the users.
  • After that point, you will no longer be able to retrieve anything from the server in any capacity.

It is important to keep in mind that your posts will continue to appear on Discord, but it will note that the post came from a deleted user instead of you.

Your messages will still appear, but they will originate from an account that has been deleted. It is extremely unlikely that you will ever be able to permanently delete all traces of your activity on Discord.

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