Discord is right now a social platform for voice chats and group messages, which is popular among various gamers out there.
If you dont know what discord is, congratulation you were living under a rock till now, but No worry its not too late. Discord is an instant messaging platform popular among gamers for calls and chats. Discord was initially mainly targetted gamers and content creators as a platform for communicating via Voice and Text chats.
On Discord, if you are a new user then you might encounter few annoying problems that might trigger you, so disabling them right now can help you play and live peacefully.
How to Avoid Spam Direct Messages?
One of the most famous annoying part on Discord is that, users mass messages you for a favor like subscribing to their channel or joining a discord channel or visiting a particular website.
You might sometimes feel pity and help them but this goes to a limit. Imagine responding to 300 Million registers discord users out there. And most importantly, these are not real users. Most of the DM’s [ direct messages ] are from raid bots.
In order to avoid this follow the given steps
Method #1
– Go to your Discord User Setting
– Under Privacy & Safety disable Allow Direct Messages from Server members
What this does is, if you join any server, you will not be getting any Direct messages from that particular server you are a member of. So any user of that server wont mass message you, unless you added him/her as a friend.

Method #2

You can also do this manually, for an individual server, where you disable Direct Messages for that particular server.

Examples of Spam Direct Messages

The list of scam DM’s are limitless
Why User does these kinds of Mass Direct Messages on Discord?
If you think in their perpective, they do have a motivate to gain which can be
- Advertisement [ 80% ]
- Publicity [ 10% ]
- Scamming [ 100% ]
- Awarness [ 50% ]
- Information [ 10% ]
- Normal behaviour for friendship [ 10% ]
- Partnership
- Promotion
It can be easily interpreted in the following categoried depending on how the particular user reaches you
How do Discord officials do about this situation?
If any account is sending bulk messages to many people, you will receive a notice informing you that this is not humanly possible and asking you to slow down when using discord.
But let’s pretend for the sake of argument that you maintain this behaviour on a daily basis. In a matter of a few days’ time, these accounts will be blacklisted, meaning they will be banned.
Every single one of those Discord accounts, in addition to the owners’ IP addresses, have been banned.