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Find Your Friends Beta Update on Discord

Discord is working steadily with this new feature that has been out for a while now, but still is requiring various updates to have an optimized outcome called Find Your Friends, which is still in beta and currently being tested with limited users.

In a previous Reddit post on r/discordapp, a member from the Discord’s Product Team shared details on the Find Your Friends features. According to the posts, it’s an opt-in feature that will let you discover and be discoverable by people in your phone’s contact list and send them a friend request on Discord.

Discord claims that many users face difficulties finding friends on the platform as it lacks a user search feature. The Find Your Friends feature aims to address this by showing you a list of people from your phone’s contact list who are available on Discord.

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This will effectively make adding new friends on the platform a whole lot easier. But you will only be able to find friends who have the feature turned on. On the flip side, if you don’t want people from your contact list to discover you on Discord, you can leave the feature disabled. It’s also worth noting that the Find Your Friends feature won’t work if both parties don’t have each other added to their contact list.

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If the thought of sharing your contact list with Discord worries you, there is some good news. Discord claims that it will cryptographically hash all the phone numbers it syncs from your contact list, and it will use this cryptographically hashed data to detect a match while looking for friends. The service won’t upload contact names and won’t store raw phone numbers to prevent any mishaps.

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