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11+ Best Gaming Critics Review & Aggregator Site

These are some of the best Game Critic Review sites which we have collected for you so that you don’t waste your time searching for irrelevant websites. Furthermore, these websites also provide various other amazing features amazing from just Game Critic reviews.

If you are a gamer then you might have heard of some of these websites, or check out some of these sites before buying any game.

1. Allkeyshop

AllKeyShop AKS Score

Allkeyshop has been around for quite a while now, popularly known for Game price compare.

They recently also introduced critic aggregation and also provide reviews for games as well. With a massive catalogue of various games.

2. MetaCritic

MetaCritic Scoreing GamePage

Metacritic is one of the most infamous and popular game critic websites.

Even if you are a non-gamer you might have heard or seen this website, as apart from Games, they also provide reviews for Movies.

3. OpenCritic

OpenCritic Game Review

Opencritic is a very recently launched game critic website, they were mainly launched to compete against MetaCritic awful critic system.

Overall, OpenCritic has lived up to its reputation by providing amazing reviews, in a userfriendly way.

4. IGN Review

IGN Game REview

IGN needs no introduction, it the best Gaming News source. It also has an amazing fan base.

They recently added a new feature on their website which provide Video Game reviews with rating.

5. Fantasy Critic Games

Fantasy Critic Games Reviews

FantasyCriticGames website may not be user friendly, as they aggregate their reviews from OpenCritic.

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But apart from critic reviews they also provide various amazing features like Hype Factor, percentage picked, etc.

6. GameFAQ / GameSpot

GameFAQSpot Reviews

GameFAQ used to be one of the best place for critic and review, but after the merge with GameSpot. They lost some audience, but still they provide cool features and rating for games.

7. WhaToPlay

WhaToPlayGame Critics

WhatoPlay calls itself a web discovering portal for video games.

It is a recently launched website but surprisingly provides various amazing features.

They provide a feature called PlayScore which is a tracking critic system that indicates the overall quality and review of the game.


IGDB Game Critics Database

IGDB is known for its games database and API functionality. It is operated by Twitch, which is an Amazon-owned company.

9. SteamPowered

SteamPowered Game Reviews

Well, Steam Store might not be called as a Game Critic or Review site. As Steam is a marketplace for gamers.

Because steam is soo popular, Gamers actually spend time on the website reviewing games in detail.

This is one of the best places, if you are looking for honest game reviews from users.

10. Rate House

RateHouse Rating Reviews

RateHouse, is similar to AllKeyShop, it is a very simple and user-friendly website.

Since the website is New, it still provides various powerful functionality like comments, tags, public reviews.

11. VideoGameGeek

VideoGameGeek Game Reviews Rating

VideoGameGeek is similar to BoardGameGeek, which is an online resource & community based website. The website is updated on a real-time basis.

The website is similar to what Wikipedia provides, Information for games & also similar to IGDB.


In my opinion, websites like AllKeyshop, OpenCritic, Reddit are the best place for Game Critic, because as per rumors MetaCrtic and several other popular websites were accused of manipulating the review. Hope you like our list, we will try to update the list if we find another amazing critic websites.

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